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Learning to let go and allow positive change

Do you ever feel like there is something holding you back from getting what you really want?

​It could be that you're stuck doing the same job you don't enjoy.

​It could be that you can't seem to create a supportive relationship with your partner.

It could be an ambition that you can't seem to realise.

​Often, when we are just on the precipice of change, things start to feel sticky. By sticky, what I mean is that you have reached a point when you're no longer in denial. The aspects of your life that you used to just accept are simply not good enough for you anymore.

Old patterns of behavior don't sit right, so it's time to come up with new ones.

Although this feels uncomfortable at first, it's a sign that you're on your way to evolving into the person you want to be.

As you see what you want more clearly, a new reality starts to appear. As we change internally, our external world starts to evolve with that. You have started to create a new version of reality. You have started to grow into a greater version of yourself.

The reason you can't seem to fully realise what you want is because you still have some letting go to do.

It could be that you have to let go of a memory of rejection in order to go for a job you really want.

It could be that you need to let go of trauma from a past relationship in order to be present and fulfilled with your current partner.

It could be you need to let go of negative beliefs about your self worth in order to realise your ambitions.

The process of letting go can bring much excitement for what the future holds but also a sense of loss for how things were, for how you were.

It is natural to feel fear when entering the unknown since human nature is to cling on to what is comfortable, even if that life is not what you truly desire.

Allowing yourself to ride these waves of sadness and fear without judging yourself will allow you to move through this uncomfortable 'sticky phase' faster.

In the final stages of letting go, you may experience a sudden panic at the thought of completely discarding the things that have been holding you back. There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, once you relinquish yourself from everything that stood in your way, you are faced with the possibility of success. For many people, this reality is simply too frightening, so they self-sabotage before they get to that point.

Secondly, you may be afraid to stop using the excuses that have always held you back because if you try your best and fail, it feels worse than failing if you only gave a half-hearted effort.

Thirdly, the process of letting go has created empty space in your mind which can feel even more intense than unwanted images and emotions from the past. In a bid to reconnect with what's comfortable, you may desperately resuscitate old memories and the feelings associated.

This can be unsettling when you think you've come such a long way, but try to imagine the memories and feelings coming up and out. They have to surface before they can be released.

All of these factors come in to play in the final phases of processing. Keep checking your ego to make sure it isn't ruling you. It will try to play tricks on you to get you back in your comfort zone, but don't listen. Move fearlessly towards your goal. If you don't try to get what you want, you have no chance.

Your guidance system is bringing you an opportunity to open your consciousness and realise your desires. Listen to it. Don't delay another 5 years. Don't accept less than you know you deserve.

Allow yourself to lose control for a little while by stepping outside of your comfort zone. Only then can you realise your strength. Only then can you expand.

Although letting go is one of the toughest things you can do, it is essential to create space for more beautiful and abundant experiences.

Our bodies are like containers. From the moment we're born, they start storing the energy from our millions of interactions and experiences.

Chances are, you feel full to the brim by now! To bring fresh positive things in to your life you need to make space.

The feeling of being a full container doesn't just go away on it's own. No matter how strong your memories are, you can learn to let go. You can process what has happened in your life so far which will make space for the peace and fulfillment you deserve.

One way to do it is by visualizing putting your memories in a safe box and turning the key.

Organizing the chaos in your mind can bring so much peace. It creates clarity about who you are now. You can use these boxes to separate the time you have been alive into various chapters. Your life will start to feel less like one big fiasco and more like something manageable. It may even become a story of extraordinary evolution, if you allow it.

Although some memories can never truly be forgotten, they do need to be left in the past where they belong.

This will allow you to focus on being right here, right now, in the most exciting chapter yet: The present!

This is the first day of the rest of your life.

How do you want it to be?